展会预告 | 金辰股份邀您共赴2024年美国国际太阳能展RE+


2024年9月9日-12日,2024年美国国际太阳能展RE+将在阿纳海姆会展中心中心盛大召开。金辰股份将携先进的光伏组件及电池整线智造解决方案亮相North 100 -N85001展位。


From September 9-12, 2024, the 2024 RE+ Exhibition will be grandly held at the Anaheim Convention Center. Jinchen will showcase cutting-edge PV modules and cell production line intelligent manufacturing solutions at Booth North 100 - N85001

We sincerely invite you to visit Jinchen's booth to discuss the forefront of PV intelligent manufacturing and explore new opportunities for collaboration.
